Friday, August 26, 2016

Nothing is wasted...

Last night I assembled this graphic.  The Lord told me that nothing in my life would be wasted. Specifically time.  We can't get time back... at least not in the natural. But, the Lord told me that the if I look for Him with my natural eye, I'll miss Him.  His restoration in the spirit realm will also have physical manifestations, but I have to put faith on it (spiritual) because it isn't yet visible (natural).

Today, family, I am SO struggling to align my emotions with my convictions.  It's crazy.  Literally the day after God spoke this into my heart, the enemy has rushed in to challenge it.

In this moment all I can do is pray!

"Lord, help me to believe what You've spoken.  Your words are good.  Your promises are good.  Not only are they good in nature, but they are good in intent.   They are good to be fulfilled.  You've never lied to me.  You've never made a promise that You couldn't fulfill.  I know You can restore.  Help my heart to know that You will restore.  Lord, help me to trust You.  God, help me to work through the growing pains of life and the growing pains of Christianity.  I understand that nothing takes you by surprise.  Help me.  Ease my heart.  Mend my wounded spirit.  God, draw me closer to You.  Restore what looks lost.  Return what feels stolen.  Renew my joy and hope.  Help me to refocus and re-align myself with you.  In this season, all I can do is pray.  In this season, it seems like that's all You want me to do anyway.  I hear You, Lord.  I will obey.  In Jesus' name. Amen!"


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