Sooo... I have to tell y'all about Sunday School yesterday. First of all, I really struggle with CONSISTENCY. I start things all the time, get obsessed with it and then I never finish it. I start projects that I never complete. I get excited about a diet, a work out routine, a game, and I go really hard at it for a while and then my excitement peters out...
I can start a race, but I struggle to finish it.
I can start a diet, but I struggle to continue.
Well, this month in Sunday School at my church, Dr. Edmonds (one of the ministers at our church) is teaching on The Spirit of Consistency, Discipline, Faith and Love! And The Lord is absolutely whipping me because those are areas that I struggle in. *rolls eyes at the Lord*
The Lord is consistent. Numbers 23:19 speaks to God's consistency: “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son ofman, that He should repent; Has He said, and will Henot do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
Ideally, if anyone has a right to change, it would be God. But He doesn't change. He remains the same. He remains consistent.
Dr. Edmonds encouraged us on yesterday morning to be:
1) consistent in our conduct (1 John 2:1-6),
2) consistent in our thoughts (Philippians 4:7-13),
3) consistent in our prayer (Psalm 145:17-19),
4) consistent in our meditation (Psalm 19:14), and
5) consistent in our anointing (1 John 2:27).
I may have missed a few things... but this is what I didn't miss. It really hit me. So, I just thought I would pass it along.
If you're like me, and you struggle especially with consistency, the Lord is speaking to you just as loud as He was speaking to me. I need to be consistent. You need to be consistent. In every area of our lives.
Join me in making a change to become consistent! Also, join us next week at Rhema for Prayer at 10:00am, Sunday School at 10:30am and Worship service at 11:30am. Or on Tuesday nights for Prayer at 7:00pm and Bible Study at 7:30pm!!!
Shout out to Dr. Vernetta Edmonds for being led by the Lord to beat me up & show me where I need to line up!
Lord, help us today to be consistent. We can be tempted to change with the world, fads, trends... but, help us to model after Your consistency!!!
Monday, August 8, 2016
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