Friday, August 12, 2016

25 Ways to Pray for Your Child's Teacher

As we prepare for another school year, I think we need to keep in mind that our children spend more of their time with some of their teachers than they do with us. I know... It's hard sometimes, but it's okay! We're going to pray for our teachers to use their influence in the best way possible!!!


1.      Pray for their motives.  That teaching isn’t just a job, but a calling to them.  That they aren’t just making ends meet, but they’re making a difference. 

2.      Pray for their minds.  That they’re ready and prepared for another year.  You prayed all year for the school year to start again just so that your kids would no longer get on your nerves... now they're the teachers' nerve problem.  I'm just saying. 

3.      Pray for their health.  Sick days can mess up a teaching schedule… Ain’t nobody got time for that.

4.      Pray for their strength.  We all get weak sometimes.  You get weak with your children, imagine having 15+ in a class.  Now imagine having 4-7 different sets of students each day.

5.      Pray for their emotions.  Not only because of day to day life, but let’s face it: kids can be cruel.  Pray, saints! Pray!

6.      Pray for the pressure to be relieved.  Standardized testing is the worst.  Not only for the students, but for the teachers as well.  They literally have to shape their teaching around it.

7.      Pray for their confidence.  No, the success of a teacher is not solely based on how many students pass this particular test. Not every student tests well.  

8.      Pray for them to have the ability to communicate well to their students.  No yelling.  No attitude.  No personal vendettas. No favoritism.  No proving points. No making examples. No confusion of expectations.  None of that.  Clarity.

9.      Pray for them to have the ability to communicate well to you, the parents. Calling home when necessary.  But, no unnecessary calls home.  Keeping you informed.  Keeping you up to date.  Clarity.  Peace.

10.  Pray for them to find joy in their job.  Not everyone teaches because they love to, or still love to.  Pray that daily their joy would be renewed.  It’s a stressful job, pray that their joy would balance out the stress.

11.  Pray for them to be fulfilled by the work they do.  Everyone wants to spend their days doing what fulfills them.  They’re changing lives for the better or the worse.  Pray that they will be fulfilled by their job.

12.  Pray that they would change lives for the better.  You never know the effect you will have on someone.  Pray for positivity. 

13.  Pray for their families.  If they’re having issues at home, unfortunately, they may take it out on your children. No one wants that.  Peace, in Jesus’ name.

14.  Pray for their colleagues.  Not everything that happens in a classroom is under the control of the teacher.  Administrators and principals require certain things as well… pray for unity in the faculty and staff.

15.  Pray for provision.  You never know how much money the teacher will spend to create an environment where learning can be maximized.  Money doesn’t grow on trees for you OR for them. 

16.  Pray for encouragement.  We all get weary sometimes.  We all need encouragement sometimes.

17.  Pray for their planning period.  Not every teacher gets to use their planning period every day. Some teachers have to use that time as a counselor for that student who got kicked out of the class down the hall.  Some teachers have to use that time to substitute for that teacher who had to leave early.  Pray for their time not to fly by.  Pray that it’ll strengthen them and be all they need each day.

18.  Pray for their knowledge.  That it would be increased.  As they grow, your kids will grow.

19.  Pray for their ability to relate.  No one likes a boring teacher.  No one wants to feel like they can’t relate to their teacher.  The students who like their teachers do better in their classes.

20.  Pray for renewal.  They aren’t necessarily the same person they were last year.  They don’t have to be if they don’t want to be.  Each year is a new year. 

21.  Pray for first time teachers. Don’t insult them.  Don’t scare them.  Pray for them.  They’re just as afraid to teach your child as you might be.  However, they’re probably going to work harder than those teachers that have been teaching for 25-30 years.

22.  Pray for their discernment.  Little Johnny may have to use the bathroom a lot… he may or may not have a bladder problem.  Pray for your teacher to learn the difference.

23.  Pray for their motivation.  How many times do YOU hit the snooze button in the morning?  Pray that they won’t even have the desire to.

24.  Pray for their protection. People are crazy these days. Believe it or not, teachers need protection from every from kids going off and throwing chairs to parents getting mad and paying a visit to the school house to try and take their job.

25.  Pray for their relationship with God.  At the end of the day, our teachers need to be rooted and grounded in God.  Your kids drive you to prayer… so imagine how much more prayer these teachers need!  Pray that our teachers would be drawn closer to God.  Pray that they will fall in love with Jesus and allow Him to shine so brightly through them.  Pray for the anointing of Jesus, who was also a teacher, to fall afresh on them!


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