Thursday, August 25, 2016

God does NOT compete. Period!

Have you ever been in a relationship or a friendship with someone that you didn't spend enough time with? Or maybe you spent a significant amount of time in their physical space, but not in their mental space?  Have you ever been in a one sided relationship?   Maybe you do things together, but it feels forced or lacks genuineness?  I'm sure that's not ideally how you want it to be!

Just like you, God feels the same way!

You say you love God, but you don't spend time with Him.  You want to talk to Him and get things off of your chest... But you don't take the time to listen to Him when He speaks to you.  Neither do you open your Bible to read what He has already spoken to you.  Even when you do hear the Lord or read your Word, you don't even follow His instructions to you!

If you were in a relationship with someone like that, you'd lose patience very quickly.


God isn't going to fight for your attention!  God isn't going to MAKE you love Him!  God does not compete!!!

I recently switched to my cell phone carrier to Verizon.  The sales associate and I were talking and he admitted that Verizon is a bit pricier than other phone companies.  But, he was very unapologetic.  He said that because of the quality of Verizon's service, they were not fighting for customers, therefore, they were going to charge what they wanted.  Verizon knows Verizon's worth.

God isn't going devalue Himself by forcing Himself on you.  God is a gentleman.  He's not going to break open the doors of your heart and let Himself in... He'll come in if invited!  And even if you say you love Him, your actions must show it.  Love is what it does!  God knows God's worth.  He's not going to compete with other things and people in your life.

Some of us treat our pet, our friend, our significant other better than we treat God!

Shame on us!  God deserves to be our priority.  He shouldn't have to fight for our love or affection.  He shouldn't fight for the number one spot in our hearts.


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