Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Passion Without Pursuit

What is passion without pursuit?

It is easier to have passion for something without pursuing it.  But passion without pursuit is just emotion.  Love is what it does!  I love a clean house... I love the smell of cleaning products and I love the way things look when everything is in it's proper place.  But, love is just an emotion if I don't actually get up and clean.  I love a made bed, but if I don't make the bed, that emotion towards it does me no good.

What is loving God if we don't pursue Him?  We can talk about God, post about God, quote the words of God or wear the Christian t-shirts, but how do we pursue him?  Have you ever been in a one sided friendship or relationship...  Like an acquaintance of yours is constantly telling people that she knows you, posting pictures y'all took together, telling everyone y'all are the closest of friends... but, you don't really know her like that so it just feels phony?  Or a guy is telling you that he's interested in you, wants to build with you and he's crazy about you... but, he never makes an effort to communicate or spend time with you so it just feels phony?

How often do we do that with God...?  OUCH!  I know I could spend more time with God and pursue Him more by reading my Bible and praying more!  Everybody's process is different... but, don't have passion without pursuit!  God gives us both and God deserves both.

God is always with you, acknowledge His presence -- "God, that bird is beautiful, I see your work." - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. - Ps. 19:1

God is always in you, acknowledge His power -- "God, they're getting on my nerves, but I will not go off on them today." - My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. - 2 Cor. 12:9

Those are just a few ways we can pursue God in our every day lives... thanks for reading!


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