Friday, May 19, 2017

Why are you praying?

There are situations in our lives that arise and we find ourselves at the end of our rope.

Then we decide to pray.

A little backwards, but a lot of times, that's exactly how it happens.  We don't pray until we get tired.  We don't pray until we feel overwhelmed.  We don't pray until we can't figure it out on our own.

My cat ran away.  I was upset because 5 days went by and I had not heard from her.  An acquaintance of mine found a kitten that looks similar to my cat and bought her for me.  But, my roommate and I had not lost faith that our cat (KiKi) was going to come home.  So, we sat down the night we brought the kitten (BeBe) home and prayed over her.  (Yes, I prayed over my kitten!)  And we also prayed for the Lord to keep KiKi safe until she returned home.

An hour later KiKi is downstairs meow-ing for us to let her back in.  We were so excited.  I was a little surprised.  At the fact that she came home?  At the fact that it happened soon after we prayed? At the fact that once again God answered my prayers?  All of the above.  

Then the Lord asked me these questions, so I feel led to ask each of you:



Ouch!  Are you praying because you know that you should probably pray about it? Or are you praying because you know beyond any doubt that God can fix this situation?

Are you praying because you know that's what Christians should do? Or are you praying because your faith is bigger than your fear of the situation?

Are you praying because it's the last option?  Or are you praying because you know for sure that it is the best option?

Why.  Are.  You.  Praying?

James 4:2-3 tells us, "You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives."

So what are your motives?  Are you just checking something off of your list?  Are you praying just to be able to say that you prayed about it?  

Don't come to God praying simply because you feel obligated to.  Yes, commitment is a good thing.  And many times, it is our commitment and obligation to please God that keeps us from giving in to our flesh and our desires... That is discipline.

However, when you kneel down to pray, ask yourself this:  Why am I praying?  Is it because you feel like you have to? Or is it because you trust and believe God is able? Is it because you have faith in Him, even faith the size of a mustard seed?  Are you praying because you trust God to answer your prayers?  Are you praying out of expectation or is it just obligation?


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