Friday, May 19, 2017

Why are you praying?

There are situations in our lives that arise and we find ourselves at the end of our rope.

Then we decide to pray.

A little backwards, but a lot of times, that's exactly how it happens.  We don't pray until we get tired.  We don't pray until we feel overwhelmed.  We don't pray until we can't figure it out on our own.

My cat ran away.  I was upset because 5 days went by and I had not heard from her.  An acquaintance of mine found a kitten that looks similar to my cat and bought her for me.  But, my roommate and I had not lost faith that our cat (KiKi) was going to come home.  So, we sat down the night we brought the kitten (BeBe) home and prayed over her.  (Yes, I prayed over my kitten!)  And we also prayed for the Lord to keep KiKi safe until she returned home.

An hour later KiKi is downstairs meow-ing for us to let her back in.  We were so excited.  I was a little surprised.  At the fact that she came home?  At the fact that it happened soon after we prayed? At the fact that once again God answered my prayers?  All of the above.  

Then the Lord asked me these questions, so I feel led to ask each of you:



Ouch!  Are you praying because you know that you should probably pray about it? Or are you praying because you know beyond any doubt that God can fix this situation?

Are you praying because you know that's what Christians should do? Or are you praying because your faith is bigger than your fear of the situation?

Are you praying because it's the last option?  Or are you praying because you know for sure that it is the best option?

Why.  Are.  You.  Praying?

James 4:2-3 tells us, "You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives."

So what are your motives?  Are you just checking something off of your list?  Are you praying just to be able to say that you prayed about it?  

Don't come to God praying simply because you feel obligated to.  Yes, commitment is a good thing.  And many times, it is our commitment and obligation to please God that keeps us from giving in to our flesh and our desires... That is discipline.

However, when you kneel down to pray, ask yourself this:  Why am I praying?  Is it because you feel like you have to? Or is it because you trust and believe God is able? Is it because you have faith in Him, even faith the size of a mustard seed?  Are you praying because you trust God to answer your prayers?  Are you praying out of expectation or is it just obligation?

Friday, May 12, 2017

Do you trust me?

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

What promise has God made you?

Maybe He promised you that He would save your children.

Maybe He promised you that He would send your spouse.

Maybe He promised to provide in the midst of your financial hardships.

When God makes us a promise it seems as if something happens to make it seem impossible.  A financial setback that puts you in an even deeper hole.  A broken relationship with that person you just knew you were going to marry.  A call from the jailhouse saying that your child was just arrested...

Again I ask, "What promise has God made you?"

This week, the Lord promised me that this would be the last week I'd have to worry about my upcoming mission's trip... I believed Him. But, it was a foggy kind of belief.  I was then told my our mission's leader that I needed $600 more than I thought. Within 48 hours, I raised a significant amount of that!!!

It has been an emotional roller coaster.  A faith roller coaster.

It's in these moments that we remember those promises people made and failed to keep.

We remember all the people we thought we needed to make it happen.

We remember the plans that fell through...

And after we stress and worry and fuss and cry... That's usually when we remember God!

God didn't need you to make it happen.  He just wanted to use you to make it happen.  God didn't need you to choose the people that were going to bless you.  He just wanted you to receive His blessings from who ever and whenever He allowed it!!! God didn't need you to make plans.  He just wanted you to follow His plans!!!

Faith is assurance of what you don't see... Don't be discouraged if you don't see it!  Just step back and watch God do what you can't even imagine!!!  He is able.

God bless.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I have a thing about colors...

I remember when I was growing up and my clothes were pretty... basic.  I never really had my own style.  Well, my style was whatever mom could afford or fit me from hand-me-downs.  I usually didn't think much of it.  I was just grateful for clothes to wear... I remember having one pair of jeans that I'd wear all week long and pray that none of my classmates noticed.  There were some times that I would need or want to wear a certain thing and wouldn't have it.  For example, my friends would say, "Lets all wear red tomorrow." But, I didn't have a red shirt.  Or, they'd say, "We're all wearing our boots tomorrow."  But, I didn't always have a pair of boots to wear.

I was perfectly content with what I had until I was somehow reminded of what I didn't have.

Today, I took a look at the last few selfies I posted and found myself so overwhelmingly grateful for the ability to actually have my own style.  I have a thing about animal print and colors... I love colors.  I even have my closet color coordinated because I own such a wide variety of colorful clothes.  But, for a season of my life, my closet was filled with clothes that we're fancy or colorful or cute.  Then the Lord sent an angel to me who took me shopping clothes for me all throughout high school... whatever I needed and wanted, she made sure I had.  It was nothing short of a miracle.

Until I became of age and was working enough to be able to start getting things for myself, the Lord really provided!  And would you believe that He is still providing today?  There are still people now who see something, think of me, and buy it...

And I always remember the days that I didn't have nice things...  I am so grateful.

No matter where you find yourself in this, just thank God for where you're headed. Better days are coming.  How you start doesn't have to be how you finish.  The same God that provided for me then will definitely keep providing for me!

Scriptures to meditate on:

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." -Zechariah 4:10

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him..." -Matthew 6:8

"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus...Philippians 1:6


"Lord, thank you for where I started and the ability to look back and see just far how you have brought me.  Thank you for your faithfulness.  And for loving me enough to provide for me even when I didn't know to ask!  When I look at where I want to be and realize that I'm not there yet, don't allow me to be in despair.  Remind me that you're still faithful and you're not finished with me.  In Jesus name, Amen."

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