Thursday, July 21, 2016

Who told you that you had to be perfect?

Am I the only person that has ever suffered from the disease of needing to be perfect?  I need my hair to stay perfect.  My nails must be perfect.  My grades must be perfect.  Perfect job.  Perfect man.  Perfect friends. Yep... everything 'on fleek' ( aka perfect).  Well, has it's pros and cons... It helps you to work hard and get things done with excellence.  But, it also creates unnecessary stress and anguish when that day comes, and it will come, when you realize that no matter how hard you try  and no matter what you do, you can't be perfect.

We are growing to be more and more like the perfect one, but He knows that without Him we can't.  At the end of the day, Jesus' goal wasn't just to be perfect, but to be righteous.  Often times my problem is that I'm trying to be perfect, not righteous.  I want to be perfect so that I look good... wrong motive.  WRONG MOTIVE!

"Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart, as for the Lord rather than for men," - Colossians 

When your motives change, your entire life will change.  Take the pressure off yourself.  No one told you that you had to be perfect.

Love you much,

Ricki B.


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