Monday, April 13, 2015

A Starbucks Mug

Today I broke my favorite Starbucks mug
I cleaned up the mess and cried.

But I didn't cry because of the cup itself
or the delicious coffee inside...

I cried because of the memories that that cup held
long talks, long classes...

Or decisions cookies preferably gingerbread or molasses...

I had a cup identical to that before 
until I dropped it on the Shortess Chapel floor

Keturah laughed at me because 
I swore to replace it because I just loved it so.

For weeks she called me Butterfingers...
That mug was the center of our jokes!

Now I feel like I'm the mug,
& I'm the thing that broke.

I could replace the cup,
12.99 at Starbucks...
But, I can't replace my friend
& that reality sucks.

That mug is me...
broken pieces,
& shattered on the floor
for everyone to see.

Everyone helping to clean the mess
No one knowing what to do next.

I prepare for Birthdays & Anniversaries,
things that made our friendship cool...

But it's the random things that 
trigger memories that just break my heart in two.

I could replace the cup,
12.99 at Starbucks...
But, I can't replace my very best friend
& that reality... sucks!


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