Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Had a Dream

Last night I had a dream.
It was my best friend
and me.
We were sitting
and talking
and listening to tunes
and then at once,
it hit me.

I must cherish this time that we have.
Appreciate the here
and the now.
Enjoy these moments
that we spend together
no matter how brief,
the why,
or how.

In this dream,
I had question
I asked as I took her hand...
I put my head on her lap
& I asked her,
"Keturah, girl,
what are you doing here?"

She laughed at me
and we sat there.
Then finally she said,
"I want to be here for you
just like you were always there for me."

Then I knew it was all over.
My alarm clock sang to me
But, I'd spent time with my BFF
& that was something I did need.

So I'm awake
and back to reality
and missing you every day.
But constantly thanking God
for the moments I see you
and everything I hear you say.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Starbucks Mug

Today I broke my favorite Starbucks mug
I cleaned up the mess and cried.

But I didn't cry because of the cup itself
or the delicious coffee inside...

I cried because of the memories that that cup held
long talks, long classes...

Or decisions cookies preferably gingerbread or molasses...

I had a cup identical to that before 
until I dropped it on the Shortess Chapel floor

Keturah laughed at me because 
I swore to replace it because I just loved it so.

For weeks she called me Butterfingers...
That mug was the center of our jokes!

Now I feel like I'm the mug,
& I'm the thing that broke.

I could replace the cup,
12.99 at Starbucks...
But, I can't replace my friend
& that reality sucks.

That mug is me...
broken pieces,
& shattered on the floor
for everyone to see.

Everyone helping to clean the mess
No one knowing what to do next.

I prepare for Birthdays & Anniversaries,
things that made our friendship cool...

But it's the random things that 
trigger memories that just break my heart in two.

I could replace the cup,
12.99 at Starbucks...
But, I can't replace my very best friend
& that reality... sucks!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Today, I Cried!

Today I cried
& I don't know why
Except for I'm PMSing
& two months ago my best friend died.

Today I laughed
& I started a new craft
Then I began to drown in my sorrow
& I needed a raft.

Today I cried
& the sun just shined
Except afta' while it began to set
& my emotions began to rise.

Today I laughed
& it was on your behalf
Then I came into the house
& I began to pen this draft.

Today I cried.
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