Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Comparison Day

Some people call this Valentine’s Day!  Some people jokingly call it Single’s Awareness Day!  But, if we’re not careful it will become “Comparison Day” where we spend more time wishing for what we see than appreciating what is right before our eyes.  It is so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves with other people… We compare our friends to other peoples’ friends.  We compare our car to others’ car.  We compare our house. Our relationship.  Our marriage.  Our job.  Our hair. Our clothes.  Our ________ (you fill in the blank).   You name it and we compare it! (Especially as women!!!)  We compare what we see… but we don’t compare the struggle to get what we see.  You don’t know what they had to go through (or still have to go through) to get and keep what they have! 

Comparison so often leads us to discontentment and discouragement… especially when we look around at what other people have and we make THEIR LIVES THE STANDARD by which we choose to live!  But, the truth of the matter is that life is NOT one size fits all…. People in the world can measure what fits their life by looking at each other, but, in the body of Christ, we must fix our eyes on Jesus!  Jesus is the standard.  Jesus determines what fits our life and what fits our future!  When we are pressured to meet other’s expectations, we have to keep in mind that we are governed by a wholeeee nother set of standards.  Say to them, “one size fits y’all…” but not ALL!!!

Galatians 1:10 says, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

No more comparison.  Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Xoxo.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"The World is Ever Changing..."

I have fond memories of the song “Order My Steps.”  As a youth praise dancer, we used to dance to this song.  And I remember that the Mass Choir would sing it often… and Ms. Ojetta would flawlessly hit every note every time.  One of my favorite lines of this song came to mind today in my quiet time when I starting meditating on Hebrews 13:8 that says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”   My favorite line in that whole song is “The world is ever changing, but YOU are still the same!” 

Things are always changing.  Attitudes.  Gas prices.  Emotions.  Friendships.  Relationships.  Dress sizes.  Hair styles.

Always changing… and while those changes may not be that serious, sometimes change can be.  Change like a diagnosis.  A verdict.  A foreclosure.  A job loss.  Or the loss of a loved one…  These changes can be easy for some and traumatic for others.  But, I stand encouraged and hoping to encourage you that even as things around us change, Jesus Christ is the same and He will not change.  One song writer says, “There is no shadow of turning with thee.” 

If Jesus doesn’t change, then 
1) His love is unfailing – He will never get tired of loving you!  
2)  His faithfulness is unwavering – there’s nothing that would change God’s commitment to love and pursue His children!
3) His promises are unending – credit decisions expire, store sales will end, but God’s promises never do… if He said it, He’ll do it!  There’s no expiration date on God’s promises. J   

We can remain confident in God’s love, faithfulness and promises to keep us as we ride the waves of life.

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