Have you ever seen a bicyclist pedaling down the interstate?
Have you seen a Lexus trying to drive down the sidewalk? Or use the bike lane?
Have you tried to drive a truck/bus with just a Class D driver's license?
There are all these circles I wanted to so badly to be in... There are some people I so desperately wanted to know. And many rooms I stood outside of dying to be let in. For a long time I was driven by the world's standards of progress and success (get a fine man, get a good job, live in a big house with a white picket fence, etc.). As I was being driven by these standards of success, I found myself facing moments of depression when I realized I wasn't going to marry that fine man I had, my job wasn't going to complete me, a big house was no where in the budget, and most apartments don't come with white picket fences.
The lens that I had been using to view success had become tinted by the world...
But this is what the Word says in Psalm 1:
1How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night. 3He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. 4The wicked are not so, But they are like chaff which the wind drives away. 5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish.
God spoke to my heart and reminded me, "Girl, you have your own circle. Your own lane. Your own room. Your own zone. I AM GOD. I DEFINE YOUR SUCCESS."
1) You are successful when your delight is in the WORD.
Verse 2 tells us that a man is blessed when his delight is in law of the Lord and and when he meditates on it day and night... Is it a struggle to read your Bible? Do you find it hard to spend time with the Lord? Or is it a delight to you? The Lord wants us to to take delight in His word because He has already spoken a word for every situation in your life. That's why he not only wants us to read it, but meditate on it day and night!
2) You are successful when GOD plants you.
Other people may have plans for your life. They may have assignments, visions, dreams for you. However, verse 3 tells us that when we are consumed by God's word, He plants us. He doesn't place us like other people have a tendency to. But, He plants us. He plants us in places where He knows we can grow and be nourished (beside streams of water). He plants us in places where we can be fruitful. If you aren't growing, if you aren't being nourished, if you aren't being fruitful, You should do an evaluation of your location. Are you where GOD has planted you or where you placed myself? Are you doing what GOD assigned for you or are you just keeping yourself busy? Are you not being fruitful because you aren't in the right place or is this just not the right timing?
3) You are successful when you trust God's SEASONS.
Don't rush the process, trust the process. A flower doesn't bloom the day after the seed is planted. A baby isn't born the day after it's conception. Verse 3 informs us that the Lord not only plants us in places where we can be fruitful, but He times things perfectly. Though we may be in a hurry, God understands that everything happens in its correct timing. If you have a hard time understanding the importance of timing, talk to the mother of a pre-mature baby. A baby born at 6 months runs the risks of having significantly more health challenges than a baby born at 7, 8, or 9 months. Why is that? Because timing is so important. No matter how ready a woman may be in her 2nd trimester or beginning her 3rd, she understands the importance of delivering at full term. Verse 3 tells us that the tree God plants will bring forth fruit IN ITS SEASON.
I said all that to say that your success isn't about what you want, it's about what God wants for your life. The truth is God's success will far surpass what you have planned for yourself. There are some rooms you're too big to fit in and forcing your way in will only minimize who you are. The people who don't understand you maybe weren't meant for you in the first place or in this season. Then there are other rooms you don't need to be in because it is not your season and you are not ready. Everything has it's time and it's season... a good thing at a bad time has the same toxins as a bad thing. But when God does it, He does in such a way that everything we do will prosper (verse 3).
When God opens the door, walk in it. But, in the mean time, don't worry yourself about what you're missing. God's timing is impeccable. And if the door closes, praise God until the next one opens! Don't worry yourself about the details. Don't get lost in wondering why it had to be that way or why things didn't turn out the way you expected.
Here are some additional scriptures to encourage you as you pursue God's success for your life:
Have you seen a Lexus trying to drive down the sidewalk? Or use the bike lane?
Have you tried to drive a truck/bus with just a Class D driver's license?
There are all these circles I wanted to so badly to be in... There are some people I so desperately wanted to know. And many rooms I stood outside of dying to be let in. For a long time I was driven by the world's standards of progress and success (get a fine man, get a good job, live in a big house with a white picket fence, etc.). As I was being driven by these standards of success, I found myself facing moments of depression when I realized I wasn't going to marry that fine man I had, my job wasn't going to complete me, a big house was no where in the budget, and most apartments don't come with white picket fences.
The lens that I had been using to view success had become tinted by the world...
But this is what the Word says in Psalm 1:
God spoke to my heart and reminded me, "Girl, you have your own circle. Your own lane. Your own room. Your own zone. I AM GOD. I DEFINE YOUR SUCCESS."
1) You are successful when your delight is in the WORD.
Verse 2 tells us that a man is blessed when his delight is in law of the Lord and and when he meditates on it day and night... Is it a struggle to read your Bible? Do you find it hard to spend time with the Lord? Or is it a delight to you? The Lord wants us to to take delight in His word because He has already spoken a word for every situation in your life. That's why he not only wants us to read it, but meditate on it day and night!
2) You are successful when GOD plants you.
Other people may have plans for your life. They may have assignments, visions, dreams for you. However, verse 3 tells us that when we are consumed by God's word, He plants us. He doesn't place us like other people have a tendency to. But, He plants us. He plants us in places where He knows we can grow and be nourished (beside streams of water). He plants us in places where we can be fruitful. If you aren't growing, if you aren't being nourished, if you aren't being fruitful, You should do an evaluation of your location. Are you where GOD has planted you or where you placed myself? Are you doing what GOD assigned for you or are you just keeping yourself busy? Are you not being fruitful because you aren't in the right place or is this just not the right timing?
3) You are successful when you trust God's SEASONS.
Don't rush the process, trust the process. A flower doesn't bloom the day after the seed is planted. A baby isn't born the day after it's conception. Verse 3 informs us that the Lord not only plants us in places where we can be fruitful, but He times things perfectly. Though we may be in a hurry, God understands that everything happens in its correct timing. If you have a hard time understanding the importance of timing, talk to the mother of a pre-mature baby. A baby born at 6 months runs the risks of having significantly more health challenges than a baby born at 7, 8, or 9 months. Why is that? Because timing is so important. No matter how ready a woman may be in her 2nd trimester or beginning her 3rd, she understands the importance of delivering at full term. Verse 3 tells us that the tree God plants will bring forth fruit IN ITS SEASON.
I said all that to say that your success isn't about what you want, it's about what God wants for your life. The truth is God's success will far surpass what you have planned for yourself. There are some rooms you're too big to fit in and forcing your way in will only minimize who you are. The people who don't understand you maybe weren't meant for you in the first place or in this season. Then there are other rooms you don't need to be in because it is not your season and you are not ready. Everything has it's time and it's season... a good thing at a bad time has the same toxins as a bad thing. But when God does it, He does in such a way that everything we do will prosper (verse 3).
When God opens the door, walk in it. But, in the mean time, don't worry yourself about what you're missing. God's timing is impeccable. And if the door closes, praise God until the next one opens! Don't worry yourself about the details. Don't get lost in wondering why it had to be that way or why things didn't turn out the way you expected.
Here are some additional scriptures to encourage you as you pursue God's success for your life:
- "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." - Phil. 4:13
- "Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4