Friday, February 19, 2016

Sometimes God Says, "No."

There is a little lady that I call my God-daughter.  Her mother was my best friend for about 3 years before she died on February 5, 2015.  I've been blessed with a close relationship with her family and still get to spend a lot of time with them.  Anyway, baby girl is like me.  She hates, and I mean despises, being told no.

Can I have candy? No.

Can I watch television a little longer? No.

Can I have this or that toy? No.

Each no is typically followed by a little bit of pouting.  She is 4 going on 40 and hates being told no.

But, there's a reason why we answered no to these questions. She wanted candy because she didn't know that her favorite meal had already been prepared for dinner.  She wanted to watch television after bedtime but we knew that she'd never get enough sleep to get up on time for school.  She wanted a new barbie, but she didn't know that her grand-mother had already ordered 12 barbies for her for Christmas.

If God always said yes when we pray, we would get whatever we want.  That may be okay with some people.    It may even be okay with us temporarily.  But we must remember that what we want has nothing on what God wants for us.   Ephesians 3:20 tells us that "God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or even think."  Even the very best thing that you could ask of God has no comparison to His limitless possibilities in our lives.

That helps us to better understand when God says no!

God wants to bless us and keep us, prosper us and call us to higher.  He wants us to have good things... But, even good things at a bad time can become a burden or weight. A baby is a beautiful thing, a gift from God, but we don't usually want to see the baby until after he or she has spent 9 months in the womb.  Even the most anxious expecting mothers understand that that time is crucial. Time is crucial.  
When you pray, pray with understanding and submission.  Pray with an open mind and heart.  Don't pray to change God's mind or God's heart, but pray for God to change your mind and your heart. Pray because God will only tell you know when it's not time or when He just has something better.
God is trustworthy.  God is faithful.  His love for us is sure.

Matthew 7:9-11 says this, “What man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”

God, help us today to trust your timing.  Help us not to seek only for you to say yes.  Help us to ask for your guidance and direction, submitting to your perfect timing and perfect will.   Thank you for being a God who doesn't always say yes.  Thank you for being a God who is not controlled, but in control.  Thank you for your DIVINE no.  Thank you for your DIVINE timing.  We trust you now, God.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Baby Monitor

My boyfriend and I went to one of my college professor's house for coffee and desert last Monday night.  I absolutely love this family... the Naylors.  The Naylors came to CIU officially my sophomore year (3ish years ago), although I met them that previous semester when they visited to candidate for the professorship.  I knew them from brief interactions.  But,  them coming to CIU provided many more opportunities to get to know them.  They'd have me over for dinner from time to time, I'd babysit their kids on rare occasions... And they're just such a joy to be around.

Ok, back to Monday night... Nothing happened out of the ordinary.  No strange occurrences.  But, one thing I've always noticed (that really stood out to me this visit) was the Naylors' use of baby monitors.  There was one in each or the childrens' rooms & the receivers were in a location that Mom and Dad could hear at all times. This isn't the first time I've seen the baby monitor... but, this time it struck a chord.

I'm writing this without permission, so I won't include too much detailed information.  But, let me tell you about this baby monitor...

Through this baby monitor, Dr & Mrs Naylor can hear everything that goes on in their children's rooms throughout the evening.  If one of them sneezes, they can hear.  If one of them is talking to his or herself, they can hear.  If someone is singing their self to sleep, they can hear it.  That monitor becomes their ears in the room that Mom and Dad can't be at bedtime.

I was fascinated by the proficiency of their listening skills.  From the other room, Mrs. Naylor can hear the faintest cry, "Mama!" and know exactly where it came from... (she may not get it right every time, but I haven't seen her get it wrong yet)!  Even under the sound of coffee, conversation and cheesecake, Dr. Naylor can hear the softest cry, "Daddy!"  

They're always soft cries.  The kids never yell from their bedrooms... they know they don't have to.  They know that their cries are heard the first time & no matter how long it takes Mama or Daddy, they know that help is on the way.

I know it may seem totally irrelevant to some... but, the way that has ministered to me since Monday night... oh my!  See, God hears us when we call.  We may not always see or feel Him, but we can rest assured that He is there.  We may not always sense His presence, but He's always with us.  Just like the Naylor kids, all we have to do is cry out to our Heavenly Father.  And God, just like the Naylor parents, will come when it's time.  

Wherever you are and whatever you're going through, trust and believe that God has His ears towards you.  He's listening.  He's watching.  He's moving on your behalf. God himself is everywhere at all times.  Here are some scriptures that tell me so:  

Ps. 46:1, God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in the time of trouble.

Deut. 31:6, Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

1 John 5:14, And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.

Ps. 34:17, The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.

God, help me to trust you.  Help me to rest assured that you hear me when I call.  I know that you can always hear me. I know that you are always there.  I love you, Lord. Amen.

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