Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Me & My Best Friend Everrrrr [RIP-02-05-15]

At times I ask the question, "Who?"
For thoughts clutter my mind
with not a soul to communicate to...

Then, there's always the question, "What?"
For people's expectations of me
seem entirely too hard to meet up...

Occasionally I ask, "When?"
For all of this is much too much
and I don't remember signing up for this...

I often pose the question, "Where?"
For everything was once figured out
but I'm not sure where to go from here...

Sometimes I ask the question, "Why?"
For it summarizes my thoughts
while fully expressing my cries...

I usually wonder, "How?"
For this couldn't have been the best way
maybe one day, God, but why now?

Sometimes I have to simply say... 'Okay!'
'Okay' to the questions that won't go away...
'Okay' to the tissue wiping tears that don't fade...
'Okay' to waking up to weeping from yesterday...
'Okay' to the pain of my deepest heartbreak...
'Okay' to the silence throughout the night and the day...
'Okay' to the fact that there are things I cannot say...
'Okay' to the sadness, the anger & fray...
'Okay' to the outcome that I'll never be able to change...
'Okay' when people ask, 'How are you feeling today?'
'Okay' because most days that's the only thing to say...
'Okay' because you left us with this angel to raise...
'Okay' because it won't be like this always...
'Okay' because I've missed you since you've been away...
'Okay' because you're in my heart & there forever you will stay...
'Okay' to the things that I'll never hear you say...
'Okay' because I know I'll see you again one day!

Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Just... okay!
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